Enhanced management of tag types (manual, automatic)

I have been trying to tame the tags in my library. These enhancements to tag type management would be very useful:

1. Option to show ONLY manual tags in auto-complete when typing in new tag name for an item (in third pane). (Like unclicking Show Automatic in the tag selector in the lower left pane)

2. Allow users to change the type of tags (tags.type) from manual to automatic. I like having the auto tags for searching, but I don't like them mixed with my manual tags. (I have older items where the tags were automatically imported as manual tags. Tags on items from EBSCOhost Discovery Service used to come in as manual, but now they come in as automatic.)

3. (not sure about this one) Perhaps add the ability for users to create user-defined tag types - in addition to the current automatic and manual. This could make things confusing, but I could see value in being able to specify types or categories for tags.

(And, as so many say, Zotero is GREAT! Thanks to all who have / are working on it!)
  • Hi, any progress / plans to do anything with enhanced management of tags / tag types?
  • No, I'm afraid none of the above feature requests are being actively worked on.

    (1) seems logical and should be fairly easy to fix. (2) is a bit tricky, since it would have to introduce some sort of extra UI elements (and I'm not entirely sure how to present this feature to a user). (3) There has been some talk about hierarchical tags (shouldn't be too hard to find). It's not towards the top of the TODO list though.
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