Chicago Manual of Style - numbering and authors


I was wondering if anyone could help with two things:

CMoS (full note) in footnote mode uses arabic numbers (1,2,3,4...); however, when swithed to endnote it uses roman numbers (i,ii,iii,iv...) - is there a way to make it keep the arabic ones in endnotes?

How can I make CMoS list first 10 (ten) authors and only then to add et al?

Thanks a lot for any hints.

PS: I am absolutely clueless about CSL editing.
  • Concerning (A), the note numbering scheme is a property of your word processor. CSL doesn't control that.

    For (B), following the step-by-step guide, you can either use the CSL editor, or find the line in the style that has:et-al-min="11" et-al-use-first="7"and change it to:et-al-min="11" et-al-use-first="10"
  • to add to A - this should be fairly easy to change in your word processor, but instructions vary depending on what you're using.
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