How to import a file into a group library folder


I've managed to drag the content of a collection from my library into a group library, but it is actually a bit tricky, having several folders in my group library and a large number of references to drag (difficult to know if you are in the right folder when dragging the references)

So I would prefer to directly import a file into my group library, but I'm not sure this is possible. Do you know if this feature has been implemented (or is it going to be implemented ?)

Or what would you suggest to improve the dragging from a folder of "My library" to a specific folder of "Group Libraries" ?

Thanking you
  • I do not really understand your problem. You can just drop the items into the right collection in the collection list of the group library. If this is not the answer to your question, can you clarify what you mean? (particularly with this "difficult to know if you are in the right folder when dragging the references")

    Direct import is probably not the right solution to your problem.
  • hello
    Thank you for your reply.

    What I meant is that I'd prefer to import the references directly into the right sub-collection of my group library (or at least to import the file of references directly into my group library)

    I work with exported RIS files anyway : so it would be quicker to directly import these files into the group library , rather than importing them into my local library and then dragging the references to the Group library (or group library sub-collection).

    ... it would also be easier ...
  • In the next version of Zotero, importing from clipboard directly imports into the currently selected collection (So you can open the RIS file, select all, copy, and then import from clipboard in Zotero with the desired collection selected).
    Why are you using exported RIS files, though? In most situations that's neither necessary nor advisable.
  • ok, thank you, I'll wait for next version then ...
  • I opened the ris file in a text editor, selected all, and copied to clipboard, went to zotero, highlighted the particular group library I wanted to import to, and did Cntrl-Shift-V (shortcut for import from clipboard) and it worked fine. Thanks, Adam.

    My question is: why not make that option available for the 'import' button also (which imports from files)?
  • No real reason (beyond the need for it to be obvious to a user where they're importing to). It's planned, just not implemented yet.
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