Problems with details of Lettres et sciences humaines style repository

Hi !
I have a problem with some details of the style "Lettres et sciences humaines"
(thanks A LOT to the person who created it by the way!)
When creating an "article de revue", the "numero" of the issue doesn't come out as "n°" but with a weird "vol: /"
Could anyone help me fix this?
Thanks a lot !
  • edited March 5, 2013
    @jeannechi: I confirm this. How should this be rendered? "vol. 2 / 5" or "vol. 2, n°5" ?

    @fbennett, adamsmith, Rintze: it seems that <if is-numeric="volume"> tests true when the volume field is empty (l. 319 in the style).

    Edit: actually, "is-numeric" tests true when there's a nested conditional inside which tests true. Is it the correct behaviour?
  • Hello Gracile,
    the "vol.2, n°5" would be perfect: we need to have a "," separating the two, moreover since some publications have only "numbers" and not "volumes".
    Are you managing this?
  • Ok. That makes perfect sense. It's strange that it wasn't coded this way before.
  • Gracile - not sure I follow this completely. Are there still open questions?
  • Yes: l. 319, even when the volume field (in Zotero) is empty, <if is-numeric="volume"> returns true. I think it should return false. As a consequence, "vol. / 2" is displayed (where 2 is the issue number - there's no volume number).

    (the other issue was whether the issue number has to be displayed even when there's no volume - obviously, yes... but I'd like to get some feedback from users of this style before doing the change).
  • while the specs aren't 100% clear, I agree that an empty field should return false on numeric. Obviously you could fix that easily even with the current behavior using
    <if variable="volume" is-numeric="volume">
  • Sure, thanks. Don't you think that the specs should be clarified here?

    (I'd like to get some feedback from the author of the LSH style before doing any changes. There's indeed no official guidelines for this style.)
  • It looks as though is-uncertain-date is returning "false" against an empty variable, which I assume is correct.

    The is-numeric condition has indeed been returning "true" against an empty variable. I've fixed that in a fresh processor release. You can test it by installing the processor patch plugin.
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