Extra space before year when suppressing author

I am using Hydrogeology Journal's citation style, and I noticed an extra space for the citations where I am suppressing the author. I.e. the citation will be Smith et al. ( 2009) instead of Smith et al. (2009).

Does anyone know what I should look for in the CSL file to fix this? I looked around on the forums and couldn't find anyone else with this issue and also in the CSL file and it is not obvious to me which section is introducing the space.

  • The problem is the space in the prefix of the citation-date here:
    <text macro="citation-author"/>
    <text macro="citation-date" prefix=" "/>
    <text macro="citation-locator"/>

    that should be solved with a group delimiter:
    <group delimiter=" ">
    <text macro="citation-author"/>
    <text macro="citation-date"/>
    <text macro="citation-locator"/>

    Check, though, whether the Springer (auhor date) style doesn't work for that journal, that style has been edited more thorougly and looks very close if not identical. Let us know either way and I'll fix the Hydrogeology style.
  • I think the Springer author-date should work fine. Thanks
  • the style on the repository now points correctly to springer author-date
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