disappearing of styles

I use the Zotero stand alone version and recently run into troubles when installing new styles. When I download a .CSL style file from the internet and try to install it (trough the citation - styles tab in preferences) nothing happens. The .CSL file even disappears from the folder where it was saved.
  • how are you downloading the CSLs?
    In which folder are you downloading them? People have reported problems when placing files in the Zotero styles directory and then trying to install them.
    This is using Zotero 3.0.14?
  • I was downloading the files in the Zotero styles folder. The version I used is 3.0.14. Downloading the files to another folder seems to fix the problem.

  • @Dan Stillman, this isn't the first report of a user trying to install files by dropping them in the styles directory.

    Is there any reason why this couldn't be made to work? Alternatively, perhaps an easy 'fix' would be to place a dummy text file in the folder warning users against this practice, e.g. "Do not put styles into this folder by hand - use the Zotero client instead.txt".
  • Simon thinks this is already fixed in 3.1.
This discussion has been closed.