A "wonder" about sorting


Indeed, I'm just wondering why my script is working whereas the validator.nu says it shouldn't !!

I'm using CSL 1.0.1 with Zotero 3.0.14 and Firefox 19.0.
Here is the piece of code:

<if type="book article-journal chapter entry-encyclopedia paper-conference thesis" match="any">
<key macro="author"/>
<key variable="issued"/>
<else-if type="entry-dictionary">
<key variable="title"/>
<key variable="issued"/>

The errors logically come up from the fact I'm using "choose" as child element of "sort". I'm doing this because I need to sort the type "entry-dictionary" by "title" and the other types by "author" (yes, it's a very customized personal style !).

Any idea someone ?

  • You can wrap the conditional code for author or title in a macro, and call it via a cs:key element. The date key needs to be set on a separate key (which you want to do anyway, to avoid corrupting the primary sort on author or title). It would look something like this:
    <macro name="author-title-sort">
    <if type="book article-journal chapter
    entry-encyclopedia paper-conference thesis"
    <text macro="author"/>
    <else-if type="entry-dictionary">
    <text variable="title"/>
    <key macro="author-title-sort"/>
    <key variable="issued"/>

    Without a cs:else segment, though, this will place all item types not covered by your conditions (such as "interview") in a separate block, sorted by date. That's probably not what you want, so you might want to alter the conditional a bit.
  • OK, I get the point: smart way to solve the problem, indeed !
    The types here utilized in the condition should normally be the only ones I would have to handle. Otherwise, I will foresee a special treatment if I ever have a new type to deal with.
    I'm gonna try your solution and let you know about the results.

    Thanks !
  • It's working perfectly, thanks again !

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