Imported citation style only shows references within the text, not footnotes

Hi everybody,
I just imported two new .csl (equine veterinary education and equine veterinary journal) to the standalone, but when I apply it, only the "in-text" references show up. Not end or footnotes.
Any suggestions?
  • This style (it's the same style with different names) is by definition an in-text style. You've to find a notes-based style.
  • Thank you, I used the link you included and all the citation styles there that I used so far have the same problem. No bibliography. Any more suggestions? Thank you very much!
  • How do you "apply" these styles? If you're using one of the word processor plugins, you need to use the "Zotero Insert Bibliography" button to generate a bibliography. See
  • you're misunderstanding how citation styles work.
    They print an in text citation - e.g. (Smith 1776: 23) every time you cite a work. Then, when you want a bibliography you click on "Insert Bibliography" in the Word/LO plugin.

    There are a couple of styles that insert citations right into footnotes - those are common in the humanities mostly - you can find them by clicking on format --> note in the style repository: but it doesn't sound like that's what you actually want.
  • Thank you, I certainly misunderstood. Thanks for the clarification, I was trying to activate it using the "footnotes" but that was not available for this style.
  • Thank you Rintze, that was the solution I was looking for.
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