Panel View of Zotero

I hope this is going to make sense.

Currently (if I've accessed all the features), there are only three 'view' options in Zotero: at the bottom of Firefox, as a tab, or as a pinned/app tab.

Within Zotero we can see the collections/folders in the left column; the names of the references and attachments in the main middle column; and the bibliographic information or notes etc in the right column.

It would be nice if we choose to collapse or view just some or one of these columns.

So, for example, one could just view all the articles and attachments (i.e. the main middle column). I have in mind DevonThink, Papers, and Bookends, even Mac Mail, all of which offer this feature (or something akin to it).


Well, if a person is short of screen real estate such as on a Macbook Air 11-inch (or perhaps a ultrabook / netbook), or if someone had a regular sized laptop but wanted the PDF opened on part of the screen and Zotero in another, then it would free up some much needed screen space.

  • edited December 6, 2012
    You can resize the left (collection/tags) pane from "pretty big" to "collapsed."

    On the border between the left and middle panes there is a small dotted line. If you click directly (and I mean _directly_...not much margin left or right) on the dotted line, you can open and collapse it.

    As far as I know the other two can be resized, but not collapsed.

    Edit: I looked for the documentation for this, but couldn't find it. If it is there, could someone post the link? If it isn't, should it be added?
  • What arggem says.
    I don't think this is documented, no. Feel free to create a kb article.
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