A style close to "African Zoology"

Hello everyone,

I am teaching Zotero as a tool on our campus, and am looking for a reference style that is close to that of the journal "African Zoology" (see examples below). I am hoping to try and create a new style myself, but am already stumped by two major questions: 1, How to I force authors' names to be ALL CAPS, and 2, how do I turn the "and" between two authors into an "&" in both the in text citation and bibliography?

Here are examples of African Zoology's style (journal titles are italicized):

MUWANIKA, V.B., NYAKAANA, S. & SIEGISMUND, H.R. 2005. Genetic consequences of war and social strife in sub-Saharan Africa: the case of Uganda’s large mammals. African Zoology 40: 107-113.
HOCKEY, P. & TURPIE, J. 1999. Estuarine birds in South Africa. In: Estuaries of South Africa, (eds) B.R. Allanson & D. Baird, 1st edn, pp. 235-268. Cambridge University Press,Cambridge.
SHICK, J.M. 1991. A Functional Biology of Sea Anemones. Chapman & Hall, London.
KRUGER, L.M. 1995. Feeding biology of intertidal sea anemones in the south-western Cape. M.Sc. thesis, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa.
NORDQUIST, G.E., LYNCH, K.A. & SPAK, C.A. 2006. Timing and pattern of bat activity at Soudan underground mine. Final report submitted to the State Wildlife Grants Program 86 pp, http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/eco/nongame/projects/research_reports/mammals.html (Accessed 6 October 2009).

Thanks for your help!

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