Style Request: [Clinical Genetics]

This is a numeric style, and requires that the first three authors be listed followed by et. al.

1. Neufeld EF. Lysosomal storage diseases. Ann Rev Biochem 1991: 60: 257-280.
2. Crawley AC, Brown AC, Smith AB et al. Enzyme replacement therapy in a feline model of Maroteaux Lamy syndrome. J Clin Invest 1996: 97 (8): 1864-1873.
3. Watts WE, Gibbs DA. Lysomal Storage Diseases: Biochemi cal and Clinical Aspects. London: Taylor and Francis, 1986.
4. Estivill X, Morral N. Evolution of cystic fibrosis alleles. In: Dodge J, Brock JDH, Widdicomb JH, eds. Cystic Fibrosis: Current Topics, Vol. 3. Chicester: Wiley, 1996: 141-164.

    use the "search by example" tool mentioned under 3. there - there's a good chance something very close already exists
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