Expanded print in contributor names?

I want to make the contributor names expanded (like "P l a t o" instead of "Plato"). Is this possible via CSL? I cannot find any attribute that would enable anything like this.

Thanks in advance,
  • To be more exact, I mean something like CSS letter-spacing:


  • no. What is this for?
  • One of the journals I'm submitting a paper to requires that author names are spaced out. I wanted to include this in the CSL but it seems that I will need to use underline and replace underline with expanded print after converting the field codes to text...

    oh well...
  • question was which journal - that seems like an odd requirement.
  • Ethos, a Polish philosophical journal:


    here are guidelines:


    Scroll to "Format przypisów", it will be clear even if you don't speak Polish.
  • thanks - I don't think we'll start supporting this unless it comes up more frequently. This is certainly the first time I've come across this.
  • yeah, this is quite rare. I've seen such formatting in print somewhere else (not a Polish one) but I don't remember where.
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