journal abbreviations

journal abbreviation field is most commonly not included in pdf metadata, so it remains empty in my database. However I need abbreviations for creating bibliography, so I have to retype it manually from full names in manuscript which is a pain. Is there any solution, other than manually fill abbreviation for each paper in my database?
Thank you very much for suggestions

  • edited November 8, 2012
    Not at the moment.

    You can also _try_ the abbreviation filter with the "classic" Zotero client.
  • more importantly - using the "retrieve metadata" function is generally the worst way to get data for your librar. Most of it comes from google scholar and is just not terribly good..
  • Thank you for advices, abbreviation filter works well for me. Looking forward to planned feature - abbreviation list.

    Concerning the way of geting papers into zotero - the 'retrieve metadata' is usually incomplete. my most common approach is download from publisher web using zotero button in browser adress line, but unfortunately the metadata are still usually not fully complete and journal abbrev is most commonly missing.

    Once again thank you very much for help - abbreviation filter helped me a lot

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