Style Update Request: Molecular Biology and Evolution

The Style "Molecular Biology and Evolution (2012-09-28 02:06:38)" seems to have a small bug. In inline citations with three authors an additional "," is placed between the second author and the "and" before the third author. This looks like:

(Feild, Chatelet, and Brodribb 2009)

It works fine with just two authors. I tried to change this on my own, but unfortunally I wasn't able to do this. Therefore any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • and you're sure that's not required? That comma is typically set in English. (But if you are sure this is a quick fix).
  • Hi, thank you for your reply. I just checked the author guidlines again and realized that the manuscript formats and types changed substantially on October 7, 2012 and they now seem to use just up to two authors for inline citations and use "et al." otherwise. So I just updated the style according to this guidelines.

    guidelines for references of MBE:

    Please note that the journal style now conforms to The Council of Science Editors Style Manual (7th ed., 2006), with two exceptions:

    the use of et al. will be retained in text citations and within the reference section,
    co-author names will be listed in references with up to ten co-authors. If there are more than ten co-authors within a reference citation, the style of MBE is to use "et al." after the third co-author's name followed by "(# co-authors)." For further details, see below.

    All submissions will have references and must follow the format listed below.
    References within the text must:

    be cited by author and year,
    include relevant pages for direct quotations,
    be in chronological order when grouped (alphabetical order if published in the same year),
    follow CSE citation style (e.g., Thomas and Wilson 1991; Okimoto et al. 1992; Powers ST and Powers JD 1993a, 1993b),
    include the name of the first author and "et al." when there are three or more authors,
    refer to unpublished work of authors as "name AB, unpublished data", and
    refer to unpublished work of others as "name AB, name CD, personal communication" (authors are responsible for securing permissions to cite).

    Reference section must:

    be arranged alphabetically by name of author(s) and then chronologically for references with identical authors,
    contain only works cited in the text,
    refer to manuscripts accepted for publication but which have not yet been published as "forthcoming",
    not include manuscripts that have not been formally accepted for publication,
    follow the guidelines for abbreviations of periodicals given in The Council of Science Editors Style Manual (7th ed., 2006), and
    formatted as in recent issues of the journal and as follows:
    Journal articles: Pensole G, Gissi C, Lanave C, Saccone C. 1995. Glutamine synthetase gene evolution in bacteria. Mol Biol Evol. 12:189-197.
    (>10 co-authors): Wilson R, Ainscough R, Anderson K, et al. (55 co-authors). 1994. 2.2 Mb of contiguous nucleotide sequence from chromosome III of C. elegans. Nature 368:32-38. (Please note that 55 includes all authors of the article.)
    Books: Ingram VM. 1963. The hemoglobins in genetics and evolution. New York: Columbia University Press.
    Book chapters: Hall BG. 1983. Evolution of new metabolic functions in laboratory organisms. In: Nei M, Koehn RK, editors. Evolution of genes and proteins. Sunderland (MA): Sinauer Associates. p. 234-257.
  • thanks - I'll fix this for the style on the repo asap.
  • The fixed style is up now. It will show up on the repository at within 30mins.
    Any problems let us know.
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