problems with creatind citation style

Hey! I am still trying to edit my own citation style and i am going to upload it - because I think this citation style would be very useful for german students. Maybe somebody can help my with two problems - because a friend of mine, whose veray fit in those stuff, is not longer available...
I like to displace the line under the author in the library. For instance - now it looks like this:

Reif, A. und Walentowski, H. 2008: The assessment of naturalness and its role for nature conservation and forestry in Europe. Waldökologie online 6, S. 63–76.
Rewilding Europe 2012: Rewilding Europe - Making Europe a wilder place [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 22 Juni 2012].

The lines under the authors - under "Reif, A. und Walentowski, H. 2008" till the next author "Rewilding Europe 2012" and under latter - should be dispalced - like about 1 cm...
And: [Accessed: 22 Juni 2012] should be translated in German [Geöffnet: 22. Juni 2012] (with "geöffnet" and the point after "22"]

Alright. I woulh be very, very appreciated if someone could help me! I am not able to handle this. Thanks a lot!!!

Here the link:
  • edited October 9, 2012
    line 133, set hanging-indent to "true".
    And: [Accessed: 22 Juni 2012] should be translated in German [Geöffnet: 22. Juni 2012] (with "geöffnet" and the point after "22"]
    "Available at: " and "Accessed:" are hardcoded.

    -l. 59, replace <text value="Available at: "/> by <text value="Verfügbar unter: "/>
    [it must be hardcoded at the moment but, with csl 1.0.1, it should be localized]

    -l. 62, replace <text value="Accessed:" text-case="capitalize-first" suffix=" "/> by <text term="accessed" text-case="capitalize-first" suffix=" "/>

    or, if you prefer "Geöffnet":
    -l. 62, replace <text value="Accessed:" text-case="capitalize-first" suffix=" "/> by <text value="Geöffnet: "/>

    For the point after the day, e.g. "22. Juni 2012":
    replace everything from l.63-67 by :<date variable="accessed" form="text">

  • That looks better :)
    Thanks a lot for that one!!! Do you know something about the second "problem" - germann instead of englisch - "geöffnet" instead of "accessed", also the month should be in German...
  • See my updated post above.
    Also, your style does not validate, l. 20, it should be:
    <locale xml:lang="de">
    <term name="et-al">et al.</term>
  • PERFECT! Thank you very much. Made my day!!!
  • Looks better right now - thanks again - but: hrsg. Norderstedt: Books on Demand.
    Bundesamt für Naturschutz 2010: Großschutzgebiete in Deutschland - Ziele und Handlungserfordernisse. Verf�gbar unter:

    � should be "ü"
    Does somebody know the solution?
  • edited October 9, 2012
    that happens when you're not saving the style as correct utf-8.
    Just downloading it from github using the raw link might do the trick. If not, you'll have to find a text editor - such as notepad++ or TextWrangler - that lets you set character encoding. Notepad (without the ++) is notoriously crappy with that type of thing.
  • This problem occurs when a .csl isn't saved as utf-8. Which software do you use?
  • edited October 9, 2012
    Hey - I used text editor - I try notepad++ now. But there is no possiblity to save the file as .cls with notepad ++ v.6.1.7...
  • just save as .txt. and manually change the extension.
    You may have to show extensions in Windows:
  • What adamsmith said but with notepad++, you can just add ".csl" to the name of your style in the "save as" window (this works for me).
    (.csl, no .cls)
  • Uff - now it works! Thank you so much!
    Vielen Dank!
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