Anybody can fix this style?

I've edited a citation style (Ecology) for 'Journal of Quaternary Science (
Most things went fine except the 'book' and 'book chapter' bibliographies.

Here is how it should look like:
McGlone MS, Mildenhall DC, Pole MS. 1996. History and paleoecology of New Zealand Nothofagus forests. In The Ecology and Biogeography of Nothofagus Forest , Veblen TT, Hill RS, Read J (eds). Yale University Press: New Haven; 83-130.

And here is how it looks. I simply can't find the way to write the page numbers at the end...the publisher goes always at the end.
Aaby, B. 1986. Trees as anthropogenic indicators in regional pollen diagrams from eastern DenmarkIn: Geological survey of Denmark. Pages: 73–93. Copenhagen.

Further, my csl file was imported in zotero and worked fine (though very slow) in formatting my bibliography. However, when trying to 'validate the csl file' I got several error messages such as:
Warning: Being lax about non-RNC Content-Type: text/plain

Error: Bad character content for element issn from namespace

From line 12, column 11; to line 12, column 17

<issn></issn>↩ <

Error: Element link from namespace is missing one or more of the following attributes: rel.

From line 14, column 5; to line 14, column 110

ated>↩ <link href=""/>↩ <

Are these serious errors? Can they be easily fixed?

Many thanks for your help,
  • we need to see a copy of your style:
    post it to as a public gist or to and provide the link here.

    The validation errors should be harmless for the style:
    the first one just tells you that you're missing the ISSN, the second one that you need to provide a function for the link, in this case rel="documentation" as in:
    <link href="" rel="documentation"/>
  • Great.
    I managed to fix the two 'Errors' that prevented the validation of the csl code.
    However, I still can't manage to fix the way the book and book chapter bibliographies are formatted.
    You can access the csl code at: git://

    Many thanks in advance,

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