[Solved] Can't import any file in Zotero 3.0.3, no error message

Hi. Zotero has stopped importing rdf files. Dont get any error. It just doesnt work anymore.

Using actions, import and selecting rdf file off the desktop. Was expecting it to create a subfolder with a whole load of entries.

Suggestions please!
  • I have the same problem for RIS files. I have been using Zotero standalone 3.03 for months and this problem just appeared.

    No error message... I open the RIS files and a prompt asks for the creation of a subfolder, as always, but then nothing.

    Why is it happening now? Does it have something to do with a Windows 7 update or something?
  • Same problem here. cannot import rdf files (same as fionacoach).

    I have tried to re-install zotero on another pc and still could not import the rdf files

    so, just to be sure that the problem was not just with my files...

    I created a new folder in zotero added some random entries (articles and books) then exported. I deleted the original folder and imported the one I had just exported. Nothing happened!

    any clue? Many thanks
  • This was a translator-related issue. You can fix it by going to the Zotero preferences and pressing the "Update now" button. Alternatively, your translators will be automatically updated within 24 hours.
  • Thanks Simon, this worked for me :)
  • fine here as well thank you very much
  • All working now. Thanks
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