citeproc - en-dash/hyphen in bibliography - regression?

If I understand correctly, we agreed and implemented that Zotero would convert all hyphens in page-ranges to en-dashes.
(e.g. here )
That is the case for in-text citations, but Zotero doesn't do this (anymore?) in bibliographies (tried clipboard and LO plugin w. 3.0.1)

Am I missing something?
  • If I remember correctly, we settled on the rather arbitrary rule that hyphen replacement only took effect when the page-range-format attribute was set. Is that the case for the style you're testing?

  • that's crazy. Uhm. I guess I'll start putting pange-range-formats into styles then?
  • I'm not very happy with it either. I think the main reason for this decision was that Frank argued we needed a way to display the contents of the "page" variable untouched, as for law citations the field is likely to contain more than just page ranges. Can't find the exact discussion. This isn't really an issue for styles for the sciences.

    Apart from all that, having page-range-format set in styles is generally desirable, yes.
  • lawyers just want to be disliked, don't they? ;-)
  • edited February 12, 2012
    Yes, those were crazy days. My judgment was probably under strain from juggling code in my head. I've just checked in a processor version that applies en-dash to recognizable numeric ranges in all cases. It's a fairly conservative change, but should address the most common cases.

    (I'm catching up on patches in MLZ at the moment. As soon as that's done, the updated processor will be available for merging to the official 3.0 branch.)
  • Thanks Frank!
    that's the .279 build?
  • edited February 12, 2012

    In the MLZ extended schema, I'm forcing page and locator to be handled as cs:number, which applies more robust logic (the string is split into units if possible, and affixes are applied to each unit, preserving the commas, ampersands and rangey connectors). It also recognizes overrides for en-dash (--) and hyphen (\-). The cs:text logic is more primitive, but should cover most cases. I waffled a little over the solution. If folks run into problems it can be adjusted, as ever.
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