American geophysical Union.....want "et al" instead of "u.a."


I'm using the Citation Style "American geophysical Union". It's perfect, there is just one thing.

Instead of the german "u.a." I want that there is written "et al."
How can I do that? or is there another citation style the same as the american geophysical union but just using "et al." instead of the german "u.a."???

Thanks for your help.
  • I've updated the AGU style. Update it by installing from the repository as soon as the new version shows up (within the next 30mins - check the timestamp). You'll have to switch to a different style and back to update your document.

    More generally, this is what's going on:
    Zotero is using the German locale because you're using a German copy of FF. I have updated the style to always use the English locale.
  • Thank you very much. :-) I updated my AGU style version AND i switched the language to english. :-)
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