Need to create an SBL-styled citation for original and reprinted edition

Hello, I am wanting to format with the SBL style but am using Zotero’s Chicago Manual Style (with full bibliography) as that is the closest.

Two questions, please:

1) The SBL style guide requires me to cite the original edition with a note after the date of the reprinted edition that I am using. I’ve tried to do this by incorporating the extra information into the date field in my zotero entry, but zotero feeds this into Word still simply as the date/year of publication. I can’t put the reprint information as a suffix in the footnote because it needs to appear inside the bracket.

2) Can someone please suggest how I can cite an online journal article as there does not seem to be a ‘category’ for it so I use 'Journal article' category which is the best option. But a problem with that is the "Date Accessed'' does not display in word.

If anyone can help me with my two queries, I will be extremely grateful! I am a PhD candidate in Biblical studies, and have been spending too much time worrying and trying to find solutions for the above. Thanks so much! - Angeline.
  • could you provide sample citations?
    1) might be hard to do depending on how it's supposed to look, but the date field is definitely the wrong place and
    2) Zotero won't print a URL (or accessed date) for anything that has a page-range.
  • A sample citation for my question 1 is:

    Said, Edward W., Orientalism (New York: Pantheon Books, 1978; repr. New York: Vintage Books, 1979), 35

    Said, Edward W. Orientalism. New York:Pantheon Books, 1978.Repr., New York, Vintage Books, 1979.

    (And the book title should be in italics) thanks!

    One more question whilst I'm at it: For a journal article, how can I get zotero (in my footnotes) to produce the range of pages of the entire article AS WELL AS the page number from which I have taken a quote? AT the moment, the footnotes only show the page I am citing and not the range of pages, even though I put in the page range in my zotero files. For example:

    Yarbro Collins, The Combat Myth, CBQ 39 (1977), pp. 367-81 (367). Thanks heaps.
  • For the reprint I don't have any ideas - maybe someone else can think of something - the only thing that occurs to me is a hack involving the extra field and modifying the styles - doesn't seem worth it to me.

    I'd somehow mark the items in questions and insert the reprint info at the end.

    Leaving out the page range when you cite a page is correct Chicago style. If it needs to be different in SBL we can adjust the SBL style.
    You could also use the suffix field for the page number, though that will mess with ibids.
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