word plugin: page numbers in the new (3.0) citation manager?

Is there any way to include a page number in the new fancy minimalist 3.0 citation manager? I know I can go back to the classic view where I can enter a number but I like the new look, but the page number is an important part. Can I right click somewhere? I've tried entering a number after the chosen source but it doesnt get accepted. Thanks!
  • You can either click the reference in the QuickFormat dialog to open a panel that will let you specify page number and other options, or type ", p. #" (where # is the page number).
  • Thanks Simon that's great!
  • Thanks! I had the same question! :) That's nifty.
  • I had the same question, too. Is there a guide somewhere to shortcuts like this within the new word processor interface?
  • http://www.zotero.org/support/word_processor_plugin_usage#keyboard_commands
  • How do I get page numbers to appear in Word?

    I can add page numbers in the Quick Format Citation without a problem - and they save there - but they do not appear in Word. All I see instead is the authors name and the year.

  • which citation style?
  • I've tried a few - the elsevier (or something like that) Harvard one, the American psychological society one, and another...
  • Let's focus on APA - I'm not sure if Elsevier's Harvard includes page numbers, but American Psychological Association definitely does.
    Run us through exactly what you do and see.
  • Woops a really silly mistake on my part. Thanks for your time though. Zotero is awesome. I just switched from Endnote and am enjoying the change very much...
  • PS. Once a (long) document has been written using Endnote - is there any way of switching to Zotero?

    (I know that you can export the library and then import it into Zotero - but when the citations in the document remain in Endnote formatting that doesn't help very much...)
  • nope, no way to convert a document from Endnote to Zotero, sorry. I don't think that is likely to happen, either, though obviously it'd be nice to have.
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