Upload to repository please, Annals of Neurology without date cited


As directed as http://www.zotero.org/support/dev/submitting_citation_styles#submitting_for_casual_coders I have altered the Annals of Neurology csl style to fit my needs. Here is the gist.github.com URL:


Where will I be able to find this style once it is added to the repository?

Thank you!
  • could you quickly explain what you mean by "fit my needs"? Is this closer to the style required by the journal than the one currently in the repository?
  • Thanks for your reply. I am actually trying to find something that matches the requirements of the Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation (JHLT), and the Annals of Neurology actually did that very nicely, except that I kept getting [cited on Nov 10 2010] or something similar at the end of each citation in the bibliography, which isn't going to work for submission to the JHLT. The code above (gist.github.com/895431) eliminates the [cited on....] bit but otherwise is the Annals of Neurology code (all I did was delete <text macro="access"/> from the bottom of the file).
  • OK, thanks for explaining - I won't upload this quite yet - the [cited] issue is a current Zotero bug and will likely/hopefully disappear soon, in which case both styles should be the same and I'd just upload JHLT as a dependent style. I'll keep you posted.
  • Thanks so much!
  • I just uploaded jhlt as a dependent style of the annals of Neurology - the cited issue is fixed.
  • The instructions to authors specifically refer to the American Medical Association style for The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, so I'm changing the latter to use AMA style. See http://www.elsevier.com/journals/the-journal-of-heart-and-lung-transplantation/1053-2498/guide-for-authors
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