style sheet De Buck

Does anybody use a style sheet according to De Buck (Dutch historical citation)? Or does anybody know a familiar type of citation?

Thanks in advance!
  • The following web page on the Bibus site provides citation examples for several source types, (journal article, whole boob, book chapters, etc.)

    The De Buck style may be found here:

    There are other style examples here:
  • Thanks you! Could you please also help me to unpack it and to integrate it within Zotero? Many thanks.
  • Unpacking the file will not help you. The zipped file is specific to Bibus software and not relevant to Zotero. I unpacked it and it is not useful as a guide to create or modify a style for Zotero. I only provided the link so that you could see examples of De Buck style from the screen shot. I cannot be more helpful with this. I just happened to know that the Bibus site contains examples of many styles. I cannot even speak to the accuracy of those styles. I know essentially nothing about the Bibus software other than it exists.
  • edited March 23, 2011
    A preliminary version I'm working on is available here:

    Any comments are welcome.
  • rjstapel - it's up to you, but at this point it may be worthwhile to continue developing in csl 1.0
    the specs are here
    easy instructions for auto updating styles are here
  • I see, as a starting point I just copied the code, including OxygenXML schema declaration, from an existing csl format (MHRA) available in the Developer Test Pane. Didn't realise it was version 0.8.

    Update v1.0:
  • Dear Rjstapel

    Is the style working, I don't see it in de Zotero Style Repository? Or is there another way I could make use of it?

    I would be very grateful if anyone made a De Buck style.
  • It isn't included in the repository. It works fine in most instances, but it still contains some mistakes (when including archival material for instance) that hopefully I find the time to fix one day. You can include it into Zotero by saving it from the location in the link above and importing it to your Zotero account by hand.
  • I am sorry, but I don't know how to import it into Zotero.
  • First save the file somewhere on your computer.
    Then go to Zotero Preferences (Tools > Options), hit the tab Cite, then Styles. Press the "+" and you can search for the *.csl file and import it into your Zotero database. Just ask if you need any more help.
  • I downloaded the file that is in your message from Mar 24th, but it doesn't give me a *.csl file so the importfunction doesn't find it. Am I making a mistake?
  • you can't download directly from the link - rjstapel left out a step.
    Download from here:
    (this is following the "Raw" link from the github page s/he links to.
  • Rjstapel and adamsmith, thanks for your help.I succeded in downloading it and it seems to work.I am going to test the style.

    Dear rjstapel, if you get around to doing the changes you are planning, please be so kind as to send me a message,

    greetings, thanks!
  • I noticed that in references to articles the word 'there' appears in stead of 'aldaar'. I am using the Dutch language in Zotero.
    Is it possible to repair this?

    an example:
    Ethan Howard Shagan, ‘Constructing discord: Ideology, propaganda, and English responses to the Irish Rebellion of 1641’, Journal of British Studies 36 (1997) 4–34, there 13–15.
  • The style should use "aldaar" if references are rendered in Dutch, so there might be a problem with your Zotero language settings. See (the locale code for Dutch is "nl-NL").
  • Tried it, filled in "nl-NL" (with and without quotes) but it still gives me 'there' in stead of 'aldaar',
  • what term do you get for et-al, i.e. with four or more authors in a citation? Dutch should give you e.a. English would give you et al.
  • I get et al.
  • so it sounds like your locale files are completely shot. Not a major cause for alarm, but I'm not sure what the best way to fix this is -
    maybe Dan or Simon has a suggestion?

    Please provide an error report ID after creating any citation with that style.
  • 1882832346
    I am running Zotero version 3.0.8 with firefox; citationstyle De Buck.

    Problem is getting 'there' in stead of 'aldaar', et. al. instead of ea
    while using nl-NL language setting (see above)

    thus this help?
  • Dan is there any related error in the report?
  • Any other ideas? Could it be the style?
  • I won't be able to look at this before the weekend.
  • Try this:

    Deleting the entire "en" cs:locale section (which is what I did in the version linked to above), or moving it to follow the "nl" cs:locale section, switches the output to Dutch. Which clearly is a bug in the CSL processor.
  • This should be fixed in the next version of Zotero.
  • I did notice something else:I get red. as well as eds.for editors, (red. being the Dutch equivalent). Maybe this observation helps?

    a book with only one editor gives:
    Prestwich, Menna, red., International calvinism 1541-1715 (Paperback 1986; Oxford 1985).

    Whereas an part of a book with editors gives:
    Zaret, David, ‘Religion, science and printing in the public spheres in seventeenth-century England’, in: Craig J Calhoun ed., Habermas and the public sphere (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press 1992) 212–235.
  • I used a different computer with a Dutch version of Word 2003 (!) and that solves the problem. I get 'aldaar' in stead of 'there'. So the problem seems to be Word-version of word-language.

    I normally use an English version of Word 2007. As I don't have the Dutch version of Word on my own computer, can this problem be solved somehow without having to buy another version of Word?
  • See what Rintze says above - my guess would be that this was unrelated to the Word version and you just happened to use the other computer when the new version of Zotero (3.0.10) came out, which fixes this issue.
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