Add tag shortcut

With version 6 I used to have a Zutilo shortcut CTRL-SHFT-Z, which opened the dialog ready to enter a tag. Now with v7 I've lost that - is it possible at all to create that shortcut within v7?

Suggestion: maybe developers could add a right-click on (in this case the + icon) to open a dialog offering the opportunity to create a shortcut?
  • edited 19 days ago
    +1: richer shortcut system would be at the top of my wishlist, and add tag is one of the most important ones!

    Also, I’d wish for Emacs style text editing shortcuts everywhere, including Ctrl-n and Ctrl-p to navigate dropdowns and Ctrl-j (Return) to select. Currently using Hammerspoon on MacOS to emulate those.
  • Converting Zutilo for Zotero v7 is apparently still in progress ...
  • Indeed - I check every day to see if the update has been released!
  • edited 13 days ago

    First, I notice that Ctrl-n and Ctrl-p work in Zotero 7 to select dropdown alternatives when adding tags - great!

    Second, I find that the Actions & Tags plugin solves some things I miss from Zutilo. This plugin lets you (among other things) define keyboard shortcuts to trigger JS scripts. There are many scripts from the community, for example one that lets you copy a URI link.

    I wrote a simple script myself that triggers the "Add" button for tags, see:
  • Magic, and thanks!
  • Works like a dream. Thanks so much!

    I think it's best with Tags pinned, so it's fully visible (in my setup, anyway).

    You've made an old man very happy.
  • Update:

    I updated the code so that the add tag script now also works in the pdf reader. Thus, it now exceeds the functionality of Zutilo.

  • edited 4 days ago
    thks so much!
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