About High Battery Usage


I think Zotero is quickly draining my MacBook Air M2’s battery. About an hour ago, the battery was fully charged, but now it’s down to around 70%. Normally, I don’t see this kind of battery drain; it would usually last from morning until evening. The applications I have open on my computer are Zotero 7, Word, ChatGPT, and Acrobat Reader. There is also around 2.5 GB of RAM usage. Do you think this is normal?

  • Restart in Troubleshooting Mode (Help → "Restart in Troubleshooting Mode…”), which temporarily disables all plugins. Does that fix this?
  • edited 12 days ago
    Hello again,

    I did as you suggested, but it seems like there is more consumption now. I hope I’m not doing something wrong.

  • That's certainly not normal, but the Energy tab isn't that useful for troubleshooting unless it's showing something not reflected in other tabs. What do you see for Zotero in the CPU tab during normal usage?
  • I'd like to take a screen recording to help you better understand the issue. When I'm actively using the program, such as moving through pages while reading PDFs, the consumption spikes significantly. However, when I'm not doing anything and just leaving it idle, it drops. Therefore, if it's okay with you, I'd like to take a screen recording and email it to you.
  • I mean, that sounds normal. When you use any app, the CPU usage will spike. But you can email a video (or, if it's large, a link to it) to support@zotero.org with a link to this thread if you want us to look at something.
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