Can't access my collaborator's groups

Hi all,

We've been following the instructions on to create public groups with the broadest permissions, and yet I still can't make API calls against these groups. Can someone help me with that?

This group was created using Zotero, with the open/public setting.

the user's ID is 3038784.

I am making requests against and getting a 403 forbidden. We seem to have set the permissions correctly because we selected the most permissive option; I'm not sure where we are going wrong.

  • Development questions should be posted to the dev mailing list (

    But the url you're requesting is for the user's data. Group and user libraries are entirely separate. The group's permissions don't have anything to do with accessing a user's library.
  • Gotcha on both counts, thank you. I was able to access someone else's group library so I think I know where things are going wrong now.
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