APA 7 capitalization of reference lists

Please, update the rules when APA 7 reference lists are created. I am tired of removing italics in in-text citations and removing capitals from titles in works (in greater fear of having to add them all back later!)! Thank you all. :) (hopefully, I will pay you soon) :)
  • edited 22 days ago
    See: https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/sentence_casing

    Item titles in Zotero should be stored in sentence case (that is, the first letter of the first word in upper case with everything else except proper nouns and acronyms [COVID, NASA, UK, USA, etc.] in lower case).

    You can easily achieve sentence case for items you import in title case by right-clicking the title and selecting sentence case from the dropdown. You will need to edit to make the proper nouns begin with an upper case letter and also change the first character of the first word if the title begins with punctuation such as a quote. Most acronyms and mixed case words will automatically remain in the mixed case or all-caps (at least this is so in 7-beta, I no longer use 6).

    edit: If you store titles in sentence-case then Zotero will properly set the case for the bibliographic style you use.
  • I'm not aware of any issue with italics for in-text citations with APA -- what's wrong there?
  • A professor told me no italics in in-text citations. However, I think that may be an old rule because we had to catch up on a couple of other things.
  • The title/sentence case setting is what I can use! Thank you! :)
  • Is there a way to set Sentence Case as a default setting?

    Another thing I noticed is that APA requires words after colons to be capitalized, which was not automatic. Can this be adjusted?

  • If you store in sentence case, the subtitle should get capitalized automatically. Do you have an example where it doesn't?
    Zotero already stores sentence case as default when it's available -- you can't set it to automatically convert because the chance of introducing error (like lowercased proper nouns) is too high.
  • One title was stored in all caps. When I changed to sentence case, the subtitle (after the :) was not capitalized. I had to change it manually.
  • edited 21 days ago
    Zotero should automatically properly case the word after the colon when the title and subtitle are stored in sentence case with APA style.
  • You should store the titles in sentence case, with the first letter after the colon in lower case. For APA and other styles that call for it, the letter after the colon will be capitalized automatically. Other styles do not capitalize after the colon
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