Title first style in Zotero Style Repository?
I understand how to modify CSLs to create a style where the title would be listed before the author(s), but because I'm integrating with the WordPress plugin Zotpress, I understand the style would need to be available in the Zotero Style Repository to be available in Zotpress.
I haven't been able to find a title-first style already in the repository. Can anyone point me to one or how to find one? Or is this something that I could contribute to the repository for all to use?
I haven't been able to find a title-first style already in the repository. Can anyone point me to one or how to find one? Or is this something that I could contribute to the repository for all to use?
See screenshot below:
For those in the future looking to solve this need and not finding the clear answers, I was able to figure it out eventually by first learning how to customize a CSL file (which was actually the easy part as there are so many tools and guides), but then I learned how to use that custom file in Zotpress by piecing together information in these two threads:
Hints on hosting your own custom .CSL style file: https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/86900/annotated-bibliography-style-not-supported-by-csl-repository-options
Hints on how to use to a hosted custom .CSL style file in Zotpress shortcodes: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/workaround-for-using-non-csl-styles-with-shortcode/
The short answer is that once you have a customized .CSL style file hosted at some public URL (eg: http://example.org/example.csl), you can use a Zotpress shortcode like the following to use it in WordPress, like this [zotpress style="http://example.org/example.csl"].
Hopefully this thread will make the path less mysterious for the next person looking to do this!