Importing RIS file from Paperpile

I want to move over from Paperpile to Zotero. I have a database of nearly 3500 items in Paperpile, many with attached PDFs. I bought 6GB of storage in Zotero.

I have followed the instructions I've found elsewhere: Export Paperpile database as RIS file, and place it in top directory of pdfs collected by Paperpile; Import RIS file into Zotero (I check the box to move over the attachments).

This is where I get stuck:

1) The Zotero app (on Linux) seems to get stuck importing the database. When I stopped it, after over an hour, it had imported about 900 of my 3500 entries (with attachments!). Do I just have to wait longer? Should I not be copying over the attachments?

2) In Paperpile, I have well over 100 folders and subfolders. But the imported items all come over unsorted into folders. Each has a *tag* with its folder name -- but I really want the directory structure to be preserved. Is there any way to do that? Or can I somehow automatically sort into folders based on the tags?
  • 1) Maybe. You can go to Help → Debug Output Logging → View Output to see if it's still doing anything. If it's getting stuck, we'd want to see a Debug ID for an import attempt that stalls out.

    2) No standard metadata formats include folders/collections, so only dedicated importers/exports (e.g., Zotero's Mendeley importer) would support that.
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