Some feature request


First of all, I would like to thank Zotero Development team for maintaining one the most powerful citation management software in the market. I use the software almost daily and I have recommended it to many students and professors.

I would like to propose some feature requests if that's okay, that I feel like are missing from Zotero that would make the software even more awesome:

1 - Many of the Journals in my country are recently using (Digital Object Recognizer or DOR for short) (similar to DOI) identification that is being maintained by . If Zotero could be able to fetch the metadata of the articles by DOR id that would be very nice.

Example of the journal:

Example of DOR :

2 - Other request is regarding the ISBN of the local books of my country that are not recognized by Zotero Identifier (understandably). I'm not aware and not sure that the problem could be lack of a proper database or the web service the offers such information that able Zotero to fetch the metadata automatically. Unfortunately the local books of my country are not indexed in Amazon or Google Books either because that would make the problem easier, since Zotero browser addone can fetch the metadata.


the local database of books in my country is available using the url below (unfortunately the website is not translated in English, so the link is within Google translate)
the database could be searched with authors name, book name (not in English of course) and local ISBN:

Example of a local ISBN:


The website:

The website with the above ISBN info :

3 - Another suggestion is about letter casing of the authors name. when I try to import some articles automatically by identifier, the letter casing of the authors names are all small (not Zotero's fault obviously). it would be nice if users could change the casing of the authors name by right clicking on them like the article title. another suggestion regarding this case is the ability to change the casing of the article names and authors names in batch.

4 - Lastly, when I try to import citation information via addone or Google scholar's citation page when I click in BibTex and try to copy the information and import it to Zotero, the program sometimes mistakes in identifying the type of the source. whether it's a thesis or conference paper, the program shows it as journal article. I don't know whether the problem is from citation webpages or Zotero but I figured I'd better ask about it.

Thank you in advance for reading this long list of requests, I apologize
and Thanks for your time and consideration
I'm sorry if you spot any grammatical or spelling / Vocabulary problems in my text as I have to mention that I'm not a native English speaker.

Best Regards,
  • edited November 18, 2022
    Unfortunately, not much we can do about most of these:
    1. As opposed to DOIs, DORs aren't associated with retrievable metadata, so there's no obvious way to do this
    2. At least the site you link to doesn't display info in a very (machine) structured way, so that it'd be very hard for a non-Farsi speaker to build import functionality for it -- coding Zotero translators isn't very hard for someone with some understanding of javascript and CSS ( ) and finding someone Iranian/Farsi-speaking with those skills would really be the way to go here.
    3. You're not the first to suggest, I think (so that might happen, but no guarantees)
    4. Yes, unfortunately google scholar isn't very good on item types other than journal articles; nothing we can do about that. That said, you should use the Save to Zotero button, not the bibtex, from Google Scholar (and most other sites) for better results:
  • thank you so much for your precious answers, I appreciate it
    completely understandable
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