Smart Folder / Saved Search in Windows 7

As expressed by others, viewing attachments outside of Zotero can be difficult; due to the random file naming convention used. Fortunately, there seems to be an alternative way to do view these attachments by setting up a Smart Folder or a Saved Search.

However, despite searching this forum, I have not been able to determine how to set this up in Windows 7. Any suggestions?

Also, would it be better to use Google Desktop? I don't currently use Google Desktop but I am not adverse to giving it a shot.

Thanks in advance,
  • my understanding is that Windows 7 has highly advanced smart folders capabilities - they're now called libraries. Here's a blog post on them!5464350/get-to-know-windows-7-libraries-inside-and-out
    I don't use windows, so I can't comment beyond this.
  • adamsmith--

    Thanks for providing the link; I love the lifehacker website.

    I played around with "Libraries" on my system but I just couldn't get the Libraries feature to display only the PDF and HTML attachments correctly.

    I played around a bit in Widows Explorer and was able to figure out how to perform a search and then save the search results. Here is what I did: I located the Zotero storage folder on my hard drive then performed a search on this folder for file type = pdf. Once the search completed, I then clicked on "Save search" and gave the saved search a name that makes sense to me (Zotero Storage - PDF). I did the same thing for HTML file types. Now with two clicks I can view my Zotero attachments.

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