About the font style of Zotero Website

I love zotero!
But the font style of this website is so unclear. Can you change it ?
  • You'll need to be a bit more specific. What's the problem with the font? Wrong font? Too small?
    I believe the forum and documentation use a pretty standard narrow sans serif type font, which is quite common for onscreen reading. What would you prefer? Examples?
  • I mean the font-family.
    I prefer Tahoma :-)
  • Oh. If I use IE, the font is clear. But Firefox or Chrome not.
  • Can you upload a screenshot somewhere and post a link to it?
  • http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/LBN_TD8IUcECC4bxElGV_A?authkey=Gv1sRgCJ_nm7bav5r-dA&feat=directlink

  • Right. That is (obviously) not how it's supposed to look, so this is an issue on your system. You should check which Lucida fonts you have in c:\windows\fonts and let us know, but this isn't really something we can provide support for. You may have some corrupted fonts, but you'd probably want to look elsewhere for troubleshooting steps.
  • It may also be ClearType-related. It looks mainly like there's something seriously wrong with anti-aliasing for you.
  • Oh, Yeah. I turn Windows's font smoothing style from standard to ClearType and it works well.
  • Hi. I'm having a similar problem, don't know if you can help.
    I just set up a new laptop (Sony Vaio, running on Windows 7 Home Premium); the tabs window on the left and the right hand column are both horrible to read. Any suggestions on how to adjust this? My eyesight's not the best already and this is going to kill me.

    Here's a link to a screenshot of what it looks like: https://docs.google.com/document/edit?id=12TO_NwQZtjWvyRAKVVln_kJTioWPtp-ctlyMUNb859g&hl=en&authkey=CO6F4eUB
  • Ben: your topic (readability in the Zotero client) is different than this thread's (readability of the Zotero website). Start a different thread if you have additional questions. But one solution would probably be to use the default firefox theme.
  • Thanks noksagt, that's totally sorted.
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