Single Space Bibliography in non-numeric style

as noted here
Zotero's behavior on spacing in bibliographies is somewhat odd.
In numeric styles, it's possible to get bibliographies that are entirely single spaced (i.e. no empty lines within nor between items) by using
<option name="second-field-align" value="true"/>
<option name="entry-spacing" value="0"/>

Both lines are necessary, even though the first one is seemingly unrelated.
But with an author-date style, the "second field align" option is usually not desriable. Yet if it is taken out, the bibliography has double spaces between items. That is true also if a line
<option name="line-spacing" value="0"/>
is added.
Is there any way to get a regularly formatted, single spaced bibliography without numbers? I'd be happy with a workaround.
  • no one?
    The best workaround I've found so far it to include
    <text value=" "/> as the first thing in the bibliography section - only disadvantage is that the bibliograhy will be slightly indented - might drive publishers crazy, though, so maybe not such a great idea.
  • does that mean this really isn't possible? I would consider this a bug?
    Frank, any idea if that's csl or Zotero's doing - i.e. will this be fixed in 1.0?
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