Incorrect importing of conference proceedings

I have a large library in Zotero 2.0b7.r4974. I exported this to RDF and then imported it onto a machine with Zotero 2.0b7.r5053. Most items were imported correctly, but every single one of the conference proceedings were imported incorrectly. The target library after importing seems to use the value from the original paper's Proceedings Title field as the Title field, and the proceedings title field on the target is blank.

The Title field should be mapped to the Title field and the Proceedings Title field should be mapped to the Proceedings Title field.

In case it's not clear, one such entry on the source has the following field values:

Title: Point-sampled cell complexes
Proceedings Title: ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Papers on - SIGGRAPH '06

And after importing on the target has the following field values:

Title: ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Papers on - SIGGRAPH '06
Proceedings Title:
  • Just thought I would give this a bump since it's so easy to reproduce and has a fairly high impact.
  • Guess I should keep bumping this until someone tells me to stop :( Not sure if it's a known issue that's been dealt with, a will-not-fix, a cannot-reproduce, or what. If I should not bump this again please let me know but it's definitely a problem and I'm fairly certain it's not a user error.
  • All posts get read by the developers. You should not rely on RDF export/import to transfer your data. Because you are using 2.0, you could use sync. If you were not using 2.0, you should transfer your whole data directory. Because of this, it is not as high impact as you may believe.

    I have not yet tested this issue. There are certainly issues with RDF export/import. They are slowly improved & the RDF format is not to be considered stable or immutable.
  • Lossless import/export via Zotero RDF (and backward-compatibility) is certainly a goal, but only recently have we had a testing framework that will allow us to ensure that it is truly lossless (not counting internal identifiers).

    The conference proceedings issue is likely a regression in a recent RDF update. We'll take a look.
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