Highlighting searched words

When I search for a word inside my library, zotero gives me all the entries containing that word, but then I have to read all my notes inside that entry to find the actual word. Is there any way to have zotero highlight the word that I searched inside my notes?
  • second this request.

    Similarly, search/replace in the text editor (useful in other scenarios as well). Ideally both features would be nice, they're really different use cases.
  • Another second (a third?). It would be great to have either or both of these options.
  • Highlighting search results would be also great for searching in indexed PDF fulltexts. Currently, you have to search in each found PDF once again to find the search term. I'd very much appreciate some sort of preview of the search term and its surrounding text in the PDF.
  • I second this feature request. PDF viewer is an external application, so I doubt that it would be possible to integrate it easily.
  • It should work if Zotero displayed a snippet from its index file, not from the PDF directly. I guess this is the way it works in Mendeley, too.
  • Yes, I vote for this. In fact, not knowing this thread, I have requested the same feature.
  • +2 for highlighting
  • and another one for highlighting.
    Thanks, Kithairon
  • +3 for highlighting
  • +4 for highlighting. This would be a huge help.
  • On searching inside notes (in case this is news to anyone), I have discovered that if you open the HTML source editor for a note, you can do a standard firefox text search.

    So if you select an individual note (perhaps as a result of a zotero search), then click on the button marked "html", a new window pops up showing the raw html of the note. Even if you don't read html, you can still make sense of it (just ignore everything between < > symbols). If you then press CTRL-F, a "Find" tab will pop up a the bottom of the window. Put in your search term here and you can navigate through the instances in your note.
  • If I understand Dan's comments (the answer to the question I asked in the referenced to post), at least for PDFs, the excerpt is there. It is basically a matter of where/how to show it? I know nothing about UI, but could they be shown as tooltips, or next to/below the item?
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