Tagging text within a PDF

I have long hoped to be able to make notes on, and assign keywords to, specific sections of text in PDFs. Although there appear to be limitations to doing this currently (see http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/4574/tagging-pdf-content-text-sections-images-annotations/), this seems to be the direction that several efforts are moving, among them the program Papers, (http://mekentosj.com/papers/), and perhaps Endnote (http://forums.thomsonscientific.com/ts/board/message?board.id=en-suggest&thread.id=59).

Elsewhere in this forum I, and others, have raised the question of whether it will be possible in the future to tag specific portions of text within Zotero. (eg: http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/6831/making-the-switch-and-what-stands-in-the-way/#Item_4).

Just as a follow up, I've noticed a number of other places in the Mac world where this is being discussed, and hope that Zotero will consider taking this on in the future. Here's a link to a good discussion of the various approaches under way:

Thanks for considering this.
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