Error ID: 1717214676: OOo integration problem

This problem came up a few days ago, even though I've been using the OOo integration feature for quite a while now.

When I attempt to insert citations into my documents, the insert citation dialogue comes up, as it should. However, I am unable to resize the dialogue window, and more importantly, the search function does not work. The only way to get to the right citation is to scroll through my entire library and find the entry I am after. What's more, the search string that I attempt to insert into the search box actually ends up in the actual OOo document, rather than in the search box.

Actually, I just realised that I cannot even search through the bibliography manually via the OOo integration-insert citation dialogue, because it has now automatically resized itself to a small size where only the 'title' column is visible. The 'creator' column is not visible because the dialogue box is too small.

Also, I tried reinstalling the OOo extension but to no avail.

This is a major problem as I cannot not effectively insert citations into my documents :(
  • The window behavior on Linux was changed recently to fix a different problem. Looks like you fall into the "If you're using the 1.0 dev builds, let me know if you run into any problems with this change" category.

    I can reproduce the problem with typing in the fields. You can restore the previous behavior by toggling the integration.realWindow about:config pref while we try to figure out a solution.
  • Great Dan, thank you that works. I appreciate the fast response too.
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