Full Authors list - all, complete

For the purposes of a curriculum vitae (CV) I would want the list of authors to be complete. In other words I do not want it to truncate at 6 authors by inserting an et. al. I see no export style that does that and I do not see an easy way to customize an existing style.

Am I missing something or is there no way to do it.
  • It should not be that difficult to alter a style for this purpose. See the common options in CSL. Launch the CSL live editor by pasting chrome://zotero/content/tools/csledit.xul into your location bar. Then chose the style you want to edit and change the values in some of the et-al rules.
    <option name="et-al-min" value="6"/>
    <option name="et-al-use-first" value="6"

    You will probably also want to change the style name so it does not overwrite your existing style.
    Then copy the entire style file, paste it into a text file, give it a file name that ends in .csl and drag the file into an open browser window. This should prompt you to add it to Zotero as a bibliographic format.
  • You will probably also want to change the style name so it does not overwrite your existing style.
    Note that you'll have to change the <id> field if you don't want it to overwrite. The name doesn't matter.
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