Consistent interface when adding multiple tags


On some items (e.g. a snapshot), when a user clicks the "Tags: [click here]" button followed by the "Add" button they are able to add as many tags as they like by alternately typing tag names and pressing Enter. But on other items (e.g. a journal article), when a user clicks the "Tags" tab followed by the "Add" button, they need to additionally click the "Add" button again each time they press Enter.

It woud be faster when adding multiple tags to e.g. a journal item if the interface was similar to that for e.g. snapshots.


  • I have found this to be the case too. I would prefer the tagcloud option I have mentioned previously, but this would go a long way to make entering many tags easier and quicker.
  • The text field should let the user enter multiple tags with a delimiter. Having to go to the mouse to hit the Add button for each is laborious.
  • The loss of focus is a bug, but a quick workaround is to temporarily close the tag selector. Then you can just hit return to create each tag without losing focus.
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