RIS file import from Endnote use much memory and stop the import

Hi all. My problem is that I have my bibliography in EndNote. The 60 000 bibliographic entries are spread over 4 files between 2-10 mb. I export each file in ris format. Then I tried to import the ris files to Zotero. However I can not export more than two. Already the third file will not let me import it.
I used "Zotero plugin" 3.0.11. When I use the bibliography is listed Zotero my memory usage reaches between 200-300 MB. When importing up to 700 and 1200 MB. Is it normal to use so much memory on the part of this program?
Now I can not import more bibliographies because my computer stops.
The importer script only shows the empty bar. But it still works when wanting close Zotero (after several hours) still indicates a script used. The screen darkens and sometimes stops me around the computer.
We update the translator, but says nothing. The same happens with Zotero Standalone.
What can be the problem?
  • Thanks for starting a new thread.

    As I mentioned previously, I am unable to reproduce the problem you are seeing with memory increase, but I do see that Zotero gets progressively slower at importing references to a point where it seems to stop. I will definitely look into this, but it will take some time.

    Regarding the memory problems:
    Which version of Firefox are you running? (current version is 18.0)

    If I understand you correctly, you do the following to trigger your problem:
    1) Open Firefox with Zotero plugin (memory usage is around 200-300MB)
    2) Import first RIS file (what size is this file? memory usage during import jumps to what?). Import is successful (how much memory does Zotero/Firefox use after the import?) How long did the import take?
    3) Import second RIS file (again, what size is this file and how much memory does Zotero use during and after import?) How long did the import take?
    4) Attempt to import the third file. You see the import pop-up appear as usual, but the green bar does not even start moving. Memory usage jumps to 700-1200MB.

    Is this correct? Could you provide the details requested above? This might be an issue with the RIS file you are trying to import for the 3rd attempt. Did you try importing a different RIS file at this point?
  • My version of Firefox is 18.0
    What happens is exactly as you indicate in the numbered sequence you wrote.
    Files are between 2 and 6 Mb. The import duration of the first file is at least 15 minutes. The following file is longer than 5 hours to import.
    I had deleted the files imported and reimported in different order. Always strikes me that the third file, whatever this be, this file is not importing.
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