Style Error: Journal of Archaeological Research

There is an error in the citation style for the Journal of Archaeological reserach ( Citations in text are supposed to look like this: (Smith 2012), but zotero adds a comma and it looks like this :(Smith, 2012). I don't know how to edit the style myself, and do not have time to go through the whole guide on how to do it, so can someone please correct this style?
  • fixed by noksagt. The updated style will show up within 30mins, update your local copy by re-installing. To update an existing document you may have to switch to a different style and back.
  • (as an aside, is there any technical reason it's necessary to "switch to a different style and back"?)
  • I believe it has to do with the way Zotero updates citations - it only updates them when something about them has changed to avoid constant updating - and a change in the citation style itself doesn't register.
  • Simon, can that be fixed?
  • Sorry about my late reply, but thank you very much! Works perfectly!
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