This entry does not exist in your database any more

Hello, I posted this in German already and am pretty desperate, so I'm trying it in English again and hope I'll get some help:

When I try to enter a quote from my library into my word doc. (office2010, windows 7), zotero tells me that the entry does not exist in my database any more and jumps to an alternative citation which is already in the text.

It seems that zotero has lost access to the database completely. I can still see my entire library, but I cannot work with it in my document.

I already read other threads, but I don't quite understand how the copying works (if that is what I'm supposed to do...). Does any one have an idea what the issue might be? I didn't change anything. Neither the computer nor the program or document.

Thank you in advance for your support.
  • edited August 16, 2012
    Zotero is telling you that the citation that it is highlighting (not the citation that you are inserting) no longer exists in Zotero, likely because you deleted it (or because you exported your library and then reimported it, which breaks links to word processor documents).

    Make sure the item that is highlighted when the alert appears exists in Zotero. If it doesn't, add it. When the alert appears, click "Yes" and reselect that item in the dialog that follows.

    (If you enable "Store references in document" in the Zotero document preferences, you won't get these errors.)
  • edited July 19, 2012
    @Simon - people misunderstand this message all the time - we should think about changing the error message, maybe something like:
    "The highlighted citation does not exist in your database anymore..."

    edit: already done - thanks!
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