create "author address" column and field

Is it possible to get this new field which is very usefull to link topics and labs?
Is it possible to do it manually and being compatible with RIS tag for that?
  • basically the answer is no. If you provide some more detail on what you'd like to do and for what, we may be able to suggest an alternative path to get there, though.
  • hi,
    thanks for your prompt reply. In fact I would like
    first to perform a transfer of my Endnote Library to Zotero and the author address (AD)field is not in Zotero, and more generally in the future I would like to have this information in my tag list for the articles.
  • It wouldn't be hard to get the address from the AD field in the RIS file into a note in Zotero. (The easiest way may actually be to modify the RIS file rather than the Zotero import filter by just renaming AD to N1 - you may be able to do that with Endnote's export filter or by using search&replace in any text editor)

    Zotero won't include an author address field anytime soon, likely never.
  • ok
    I want to precise that I mean by author address, the address of the university, or research and developement company unit the author belongs to, and not personal address...
  • understood - It's just not something that would ever get cited, so it's not something that would typically be needed in a structured field - hence the note. Notes can be tagged individually, so you could put an address tag to relevant notes - that you would have to do manually, though.
  • the idea about this field is then to further point out the link between some researches topics and countries or universities or companies which would me more involved with.
  • Frank Bennett (who wrote the CSL citeproc-js processor) worked on a related topic, support for institutional names:

    Implementing an "author address" field gets tricky when there are multiple authors and the different authors are affiliated with different institutions (plus, even individual authors can belong to multiple institutions). Nobody would deny that this data would be nice to have, but it's a complicated request.
  • It's a shame not including such this information. We know Zotero is fantastic as a references manager but from this basis it wouldn't look like very complicated to jump to more features... The RIS tags modification option is not bad but it's not useful for daily work, just for specif situations... it's my opinion
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