Problems with syncing my laptop zotero with the online version. Reference ID: 2038790829

I'm having trouble syncing my library from my laptop to the online version. Please let me know if there is something I'm doing wrong.

  • You're not doing anything wrong, but it looks like this is a bug that can occur if duplicates are merged before Zotero is first synced with the server.

    We'll work on a fix.
  • Thanks so much, Dan. Please let me know once you all have a fix.

    Thanks again,
  • OK, try the latest 3.0 Branch dev XPI. You'll get the same error the first time, but it might work on the second sync attempt. If not, provide another Report ID.
  • Ah, you're using Standalone. You can install the 3.0 Branch dev XPI in Firefox and sync your existing data directory using that. If you haven't used Zotero for Firefox before, it will offer to use your Standalone data directory when you first run it. (If you were using Zotero for Firefox originally, Standalone would've offered to use the same data directory the first time you ran it.) You'll need to close Standalone before syncing in Firefox.
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