"Button" to reverse author first and last names

When I download citations from ScienceDirect using the address bar icon; often (but not always) the authors' first and last names are reversed. The RIS and plain text is also wrong. This is particularly the case for older citations (mid-1980s and back). The reversed name problem is more common than the correct name order.






I also have this problem now and then with other publishers' metadata, especially if an author has a compound name or an east Asian name. I assume that the printed version with a last name in bold is likely the gold standard more often than not. However, the name order in the metadata is reversed.

We cannot depend upon a publishers metadata always being correct. (Indeed, I have found times that Zotero downloads correct data even when the website and its RIS export data is incorrect!) A quick way to change the author name order would be a handy tool.
  • +1
    doesn't occur a lot for me but having quick solutions to the problem of switched first name/last name or both names in one field would be useful to have.
    Just to re-iterate what DWL is saying here - if you look at the data on the pages, Zotero is really doing the best possible - and it would be nice to facilitate manual fixing up of data for such cases.
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