Importing EndNote's label field

I'm attempting to switch to Zotero from EndNote and encountering one small but important issue -- I can't seem to import the "label" field. I've experimented with a variety of export formats from EndNote (Refer, EndNote's Refer, Bibtex, Refman) and had the best luck with EndNote's Refer format (called "Endnote Export" within Endnote X). All my notes and keywords appear to have been placed within the correct fields within Zotero. The label field, which I've used to label the paper copies of articles and thus is my key between the digital and paper copies, didn't come through.

Has anyone else successfully imported the label field? For Zotero developers, is there an easy fix to add this field (I've got programming skills and would give it a go)?


  • This seems to me to be related to maintaining citation keys (a user-defined, unique identifier). See links mentioned in:

    A work-around would be to store it as a note or something else instead.
  • Thanks for the response!

    The citation keys (looking through the forum and related links) appear to be a similar but different issue than my concern. I just don't want to lose the label field from the EndNote import (I'm not as concerned where it's stored within Zotero after the import -- citation key or in a note field). As far as I can see, it's skipped in the Zotero import.

    In EndNote, I could look up a record with "GIS0009" in the label field and then find the paper copy in my files with that code. I'd like to be able to do the same in Zotero with the imported EndNote file.

    In the EndNote Refer format, the label field is preceded by "%F". Example line:

    %F E0626

    That's what I don't want missed in importing.


  • Your workaround is to replace %F with something that will put the label in a different field.

    %W might be good for you--it will put it in the location in archive field (and you are using this identifier to physically locate the article).

    %O will get put in the "extra" field.
  • Worked like a charm! Thanks for the workaround (used %W by the way).

  • noksagt, how do you know which fieldcode puts which field where? I would like to see a place on the zotero webpage where all these tags for the different fields are published (also for RIS and Refman and the other major import formats), so that everyone can adapt his or her own imports from endnote! This is something that keeps me away from using zotero, because I have too many user-defined fields that either do not show up in zotero at all or in the wrong fields.

  • This is something that keeps me away from using zotero, because I have too many user-defined fields that either do not show up in zotero at all or in the wrong fields.
    For the record, this is exactly the problem with user-defined fields. I really hope Zotero doesn't make the same mistake.

    As for publishing the mappings, that would make some sense. OTOH, there's a plan to transition to a new, more general, data model.
  • edited January 22, 2008
    noksagt, how do you know which fieldcode puts which field where?
    I do not believe the mapping is documented outside of the sourcecode. In this case, I actually just made a guess & tested it. I'm reasonably familiar with the refer format & it is also documented, so these were the two closest fits that sprang to mind.
  • well, I never had problems with my user-defined fields, as long as the export- and import-filters are open to individual changes. But this is why it would be so easy, if only these mappings would be published.

    In endnote, I can adapt every filter to my needs, but in zotero, I do not even know where these filters are located. It would also make a lot of questions here in the forums superfluous. If anybody could just direct me to the location where I can see the import-filter scripts that would help already. I do not even have to able to change the filters in Zotero, I can do so in Endnote, but I have to know which fields Zotero recognizes and imports.
    where does noksagt know these mappings from?

    Use Scaffold to view and edit existing import/export translators.
  • erazlogo: thanks! I thin I can make sense out of this, but for the non-programmer, this is hardly very user friendly.
    I love your application, and I am sure, at some point there will be GUI for this.
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