Bluebook - bb-periodical-subsequent.


So I've read all the issues with cut v. copy for bluebook references after copying and have literally been stuck re-entering a significant number of references. The problem seemed to go away half-way through my article when I noticed that 'Id.' references began being entered as 'bb-periodical-subsequent.' I have gone in and taken out, reinserted, synced and tried everything but short of manually changing every Id. footnote I cannot figure out a fix.

Thanks for any suggestions!!
  • which bluebook style are you using (exact title). The one that's recommended is "Bluebook, 19th edition".
  • That is the one I am using. Which in and of itself is not 100% accurate and I end up going back over the footnotes to correct - the biggest thing I noticed is that it does not always include page numbers if they are put in the box and not in the editor.

    Thanks for any help!
  • @megalta,

    Hi, I'm the author of the "Bluebook 19th ed." style. The style itself is incomplete, which is the cause of the "bb-periodical-subsequent" string that you're seeing in the output.

    I was at the point of putting in further work on the project when, in connection with negotiations over access to Bluebook Online (or so I thought), the Bluebook editors expressed the view that a full implementation of the style, even if based on a paper-printed copy of their manual, might be a breach of their rights. Needless to say this came as a complete surprise, but legal risk being what it is, I've suspended work on the style for the present.

    To prevent frustration (such as you have just experienced) I will soon be asking that the style be removed entirely from the CSL repository. Meanwhile, you will either have to cope with an earlier version of the style, or do your Bluebook citations by hand.

    I'm very sorry about this situation, but it's not entirely within my control.

    Frank Bennett
  • Hi Frank,

    Thanks so much for your comments! I am just glad that I am not doing something wrong! That is strange that BB decided it might violate what I assume they are claiming as their copyright as earlier versions are online.

    Do you have a suggestion as to which of the other Bluebook styles is the most complete or best option to the 19th edition?

    Bluebook Inline [Install] 2011-07-28 12:01:03
    Bluebook Law Review [Install] 2011-07-28 12:01:03
    Bluebook Law Review (2) [Install] 2011-07-28 12:01:03
    Bluebook, 19th edition [Install] 2011-08-16 17:05:35

    Thanks for all your hard work on the 19th edition style it had significantly less corrections than earlier ones I have used in the past!

  • That would be crazy and I can't believe they can actually do that.
    Frank - have you checked with EFF ?
    I understand you don't have the time and resources, but that's exactly the type of thing they are there for.

    It's also the type of thing I'd make public. Legal bullies deserve to be bullied back and I would have absolutely no qualms with them spending their days sifting through a couple of hundred angry e-mails from librarians and academics..

    Also, there is an Endnote Bluebook style...
  • edited September 18, 2011

    Yes, it's a very odd situation. Please be assured that I'm not assuming this is the end of the matter; but discretion is the better part of valor, as they say.

    For what it's worth, there are a number of US law style projects out there, several of which are reviewed in this recent article in the Michigan Law Review. It's a diverting read -- the authors come down in favor of a system that, as they describe it and from a look at the demo screencast, requires manual entry of the metadata for each cite. Gives you an idea of the current state of the art in legal bibliography management.
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