New CSL: Thèse de Medecine à Amiens

Feuille de style en accord avec le format officiel des bibliographies acceptées pour les thèse de medecine en 2011.

This CSL is comptatible with the official requirements of the Medecine University of Amiens.

thanks to upload it:
  • I'm away from my regular set-up, so I'll take some days before I upload it - I'll let you know if there are any remaining issues - thanks for contributing.
  • Is the description of this style format available online? And the university is the University of Picardie Jules Verne?
  • yes, that's it!
    The description isn't available online I think...
  • the style should probably have a default language? Would that be English or French?
  • Well I don't get it!
    What do you mean?
    You can use it in any language!
    I used an existing csl file: nanoletters
  • The style contains several terms that will be localized (by default to the locale of Firefox). For example, if citing a chapter from "Oliver Twist", your style will render "In: Oliver Twist." if the locale is English, or "Dans: Oliver Twist." if it is French.

    If your style is always used in a single language, you can set the style to that language.
  • And since the style includes <text value="Available from: " /> (text values are never localized) for webpages I figured it would be for English language, but that seemed very odd for a French University.
  • Okay!
    Since I used an existing english csl, the language is english!
    But it's okay for me cause we use only citations from periodics.
    and we have to notice the authors by: Smith and all!
  • ok, it's up.
  • thanks you!
  • edited October 21, 2011
    I have made a little modification! Issues are not shown anymore! Les volumes des revues sont visibles mais plus les numéros!


  • thanks - but please modify the style that's up on the repository already - id and link should be amiens and filename amien.csl and contributor and name fields shouldn't be empty - just delete them when they are.
  • it's done!

  • hi!
    Can you upload the new version with the link below?

  • up - sorry, took a while. Again, though, next time please modify the style form the repository (your updated version lacked a namespace statement ( xmlns="" )
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