Tools for using Zotero together with Emacs


1) Zotero-BibLaTeXToClipBoard-Firefox-module
I just started a new module for firefox, allowing one user to copy in the clipboard bibtex elements for the current selection inside Zotero. You just have to paste it to your bibtex file.

You would need this also :
as this module is based on this translator.

This module just add a new button to your FF interface.

2) Zotero biblatex citation export

This should be inserted shortly in the zotero-biblatex-export repo. But you can find it there for the moment :

You just have to copy this one and the previous one (from the google repo) inside your Zotero translators directory.

Using this and configuring Zotero to use it, I'm able to drag and drop from Zotero to my Org document (or LaTeX) directly (it inserts \cite{citationkey})

Hope it can help some of you.

  • You do realize that Erik Hetzer's been working on integrating Zotero and Org mode? See zotero-dev list for details.
  • Hmmm, maybe, but I needed this really fast. So I'm sharing this. I sent him a link to this discussion.
  • And I can't use Mozrepl with FF4.0.
  • edited October 6, 2011
    Try zotexo:

    Pick interactively zotero collection to associate with current file from emacs. Mark the file for auto-update and olla - zotexo automatically synchronizes your bibtex file.
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