Google Scholar translator broken in Zotero 2.1

When I try to import multiple items on google scholar results page, I get multiple copies of the first article instead of multiple articles.

How to replicate:
( Start with a fresh copy of Zotero 2.1 on FF4 )
1) go to
2) Click on the yellow folder icon in the address bar and choose the first two items
  • I'll look into this today (Moscow time).
  • I can confirm this, but I don't have a fix yet. It's still on my plate-- a fix will happen, hopefully soon.
  • I think this is actually breakage due to the changes in the translator infrastructure, and I'm having a terrible time pinning down a specific bug in the 2.1 translator code.

    What's happening is that the translator.setString(..) (line ~155) is not actually resetting the BibTeX string inside the translator object, so the BibTeX translator is just running on the same input BibTeX for every item. I am able to confirm that the setString(..) call is having no effect.

    While such an underlying problem would generally break all multiple item saving from sites that use a secondary translator (that is, almost every database and library catalog), the Google Scholar translator is one of the few that doesn't throw away its old Translator objects for each item it imports.

    Anyway, I'd like to call in the marines on this one -- Simon?

    Perhaps we just need some documentation / example code for the r7243 changes:
    r7243 | simon | 2010-11-03 00:39:54 +0300 (Wed, 03 Nov 2010) | 4 lines

    - Overhaul of Zotero.Translate instance. New code should use new Zotero.Translate.Web, Zotero.Translate.Import, etc. The core Translate class is now abstracted away from data access, read/write IO, and the sandbox API. This all needs more testing.
    - Translators now use configOptions and displayOptions properties in their metadata instead of Zotero.configure() and Zotero.addOption() to specify interfaces.
    - Replaced now broken Zotero.Utilities.inArray() appearances in MODS.js with proper indexOf() calls
    Apologies for the developer talk in the forum-- I'd be glad to move this to zotero-dev if there's a need or desire for further discussion.
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